Advertise in the SEOS Guide

Our event guide has listings of around 200 open artist studios across Kent and East Sussex, with images to showcase the artists work, a brief explanation of the work and showing contact details as well as studio locations and open dates and times.

The SEOS Guide has become the all-year-round source for visitors exploring local artist and makers on our doorstep. It sits perfectly on the coffee table at home.

Our audience comprises of art lovers and artists alike, and draws visitors from as far afield as London and the home counties.

Print Run 25,000+
Also available to read online all year round
Social Media Followers 5,500 IG / 3,100 FB
Distributed across large parts of Kent and East & Mid Sussex

Artists Districts


To discuss advertising please contact Sarah Bourne


1/4 page: £100+VAT
1/2 page: £200+VAT
Full Page: £400+VAT

Back cover: Contact us to discuss

Advertising Specification Card

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